Dutch Colony

Detail of Viele's map showing waterways under streets, meadows, landfill, and sewers.

Underground Waterways: NYC

The ultimate rabbit hole brings Hallie beneath Manhattan to study the underground waterways and the possibility of fishing in basements!

Ancient View of the Present Junction of Pearl & Chatham Streets, 1861. Source: NYPL

Bowery Lane

Before Chinatown and Five Points, before the street became known as “The Bowery,” it was Bowery Lane, a prior footpath shaped by the Lenape.

Book of Esther (Megillah), 18th century. Source: Joods Historisch Museum in Amsterdam/Wikimedia

Purim in the Dutch Colonies

In 18th century Suriname and Curacao, Jews, along with Christian and Afro-Caribbean communities, both free and enslaved, celebrated Purim together for a week of debauchery, Carnival style.

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